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European Congress on Pathology 2024

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The 36th European Congress of Pathology

‒ in Florence, Italy

The European Society of Pathology (ESP) and the Italian Society of Pathology invite you to the 36th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2024). It will take place in the Congress Center, Fortezza da Basso, of the wonderful city of Florence from 7 – 11 September 2024.

Message from the President of ESP


Dear colleagues and members,

It is a great pleasure and also a tremendous obligation for me to take over the presidency of ESP from Aleš Ryška; I also want to thank again the selection committee and especially the members for their trust in me. I can assure you that I will do everything possible to support the flourishing of ESP.

The ESP is doing well and ready to face the challenges and needs of Pathology. We have strong finances, successful projects, and impressive growth in membership and congress participation. I thank everyone who contributed to this success.

My agenda for the presidency is:

  • Continuity: We will follow and develop our long-term strategy and successful track.
  • External challenges: We will address the issues caused by Coronavirus, the economic crisis, and the war in Ukraine. We will also support and develop solutions for the shortage of personnel, resources, and the administrative and regulatory burden in many countries and Pathologies.
  • Impact and outreach: We will be present in clinical societies, guidelines, and political decision-making to secure the future of Pathology. We will also strengthen our contacts with other societies outside Europe, developing countries, and Pathologists worldwide. We will close the gaps in outreach, needs, and response at the European level.
  • Education and training: We will continue and expand our educational activities, such as ESPA, webinars, Masterclass courses, EScoP, Pathology Progress Test, Giordano Fellowship, and ESP Scholarship for the European Master Molecular Pathology. We will also introduce new concepts to chart novel territories in education and training.
  • Research and innovation: We will increase the impact of research in our activities, working groups, and training as well as congress activities. We will focus on molecular and computational pathology as drivers of innovation and diagnostics.

We will update our strategy process in 2024 and involve all members in shaping the future ESP. We will also move to a new and better office site in Brussels. These are some of the projects we will pursue in the next years. The most important message is: we are here to serve you, our members, and Pathology, our profession. We have a bright future ahead and we can realize our potentials together. Let us work together to shape the ESP and Pathology of the future!

Best wishes,
Peter Schirmacher

ESP Membership

ESP online services are exclusive to members of the European Society of Pathology.

Besides online services, ESP membership has so much more to offer.

Membership Benefits:

  • Access to material from past ESP Congresses, including digitally scanned slides from slide seminars
  • Watch recordings from past ESP webinars
  • Access the ESP Virtual Preceptorship program, which receives regular updates and new additions
  • Access the ESP Pathology Progress Test (available only for a designated period each year)
  • Access all articles from Virchows Archiv
  • Find documentation and reports from the society relevant to members
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Sep 07 - 11 2024


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Congress Center, Fortezza da Basso
Congress Center, Fortezza da Basso
Florence, Italy


European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology
European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology