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PathPresenter a tool to make killer pathology presentations and much more w/ Rajendra Singh, MD

Do you remember a presentation where the presenter had to switch between their powerpoint and a whole slide viewer to show a case and do you remember how annoying that was?
Or a presentation where the presenter tried to show the highlights of a case with screenshots embedded in their presentation, but they were not representative at all and you wished you could see the whole slide?

Now you don’t need to repeat these suboptimal experiences. There is a tool that can do it all – create presentations with whole slides embedded in it with full viewing capacities seamlessly integrated into the presentation – it’s the PathParesenter platform.
In addition to killer presentations, users can create a virtual slide box, get access to a slide library, use high yield fully described cases for reference or education, create quizzes and chat in groups.

Today I am joined by Rajendra Singh, MD, the creator of the PathPresenter platform. He tells us the story behind the platform and how we can start using PathPresenter for free now!

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